Monday, April 10, 2017

Layman’s Basics Part 1 : Introduction to AM : Contradictions and Complements

Introduction to AM : Layman’s Basics : Contradictions and Complements

Letter to the Reader

Dear  Reader

                Yes my friends, to being a layman is a universal quality all of us have. We are nonspecific thus we are not limited to any one genre (class). Everyday we go throughout our lives with people trying to hard to put us in a box. How can you really put infinite diversity into something that is limited? That would be like trying to fit a full grown elephant in a 2 by 2 cage. One of them will break. For you to be a unique being means you cannot be boxed in or limited. You are a unlimited being. You are what you have been waiting for all your life. So we may as well fly high. Ascend my friend, Ascend.

Sincerely Yours

Kentu KemPtah


                In this blog I will go into the layman’s interpretation of Ascending Mathematics. I will go into the Contradictions, Digits, Operators and Base system on the most down to earth manner possible. I will make this blog an “easy” read. So relax and let the words do the talking shall we? I also want you to get your head around knowing the true meaning of contradictions and complements and their profound relevance. Besides solving contradictions is a major part of Re-Origination. It is the "engine" of re-origination. To understand this will help you understand my math which is paramount to re-origination. 

Part 1: Paradoxes(Contradictions)  

            Paradoxes.  What are Paradoxes? To the modern world and the consensus reality it embraces, paradoxes suppose to be excessively unreasonable, illogical and inappropriate statement or aspects of things. It is unreasonable because it do not fit the one-sided reason that is dominant in this world. It is illogical because the structure contradicts what was thought to be basic structure of sentences and things. Paradoxes are said to be inappropriate because the current circumstances or conditions that connects what everyone think is relevant is not apparent. See if someone comes to you and say "Lets create a planet." even if that person can do it you will think that person is unreasonable, illogical, inappropriate hence you will notice a "Paradox". That is what a contradiction is, a unreasonable, illogical and inappropriate thing or statement that exist that is not limited to modern reason, logic and appropriateness. Contradictions feel irregular and may irritate people's thought but it also challenge the limits of what people consider reasonable, logical and appropriate. 

         The challenge contradictions bring is invaluable. Once solved a whole world open up which includes all things that seem to not be contradictions as a grain of sand on it's beach. This means what this bias society considers valuable in terms of being reasonable is but a crumb and not the whole cake as they thought. 

                To me contradiction are complements that are a mystery or not yet understood. To me contradictions is partial complements or complements that has yet to be complete. The law of identity in mathematics had no synergy value that is obvious on the top and the bottom of the equal sign. So in that sense the Law of Identity equality as we know it is a very subtle contradiction. Its contradictory nature is so small that it goes unnoticed and is used "as is". That is why in the above table you see question marks which represent questioning the synergy values that was missing since the conception of the equal sign itself. 

Part 2 : Complementary(Synergy of Sides)

        So far before I invented Ascending Math complements was only define in the perspective of being one-sided. That is why
Yin and Yang is direct with each other and no synergy value was denoted. We have to remember that the opposite of "Poles" are " "Non-Poles"(Neutral), the opposite of polarized is neutralize. 

Neutral are poles that has yet to be understood. Neutral denotes being a Complement to a greater Complement. Neutral is specifically those poles in union that acts as a bridge not for itself but a larger Pole. That being missing in the conception of complements based on sameness cause contradiction and misunderstanding of complements. See contradictions are like broken wires that need to be mended. Complements that considers neutrality as it's universal "bridge" is when these wires are mended. So contradictions represent the deactivated state of things while complements(Synergy of Sides) represent the active state of things. 

            The reason poles need neutrality as their internal regulator of poles is because it preserves the poles. Poles that directly meet are unstable or rootless complement. 

          The Law of Synergy of Sides is the Yin and Yang that also includes neutrality(Non-Yin and Non-Yang). That is why I named the law Synergy of Sides because the main poles are the Pole and the Polarless Pole. The Synergy is that complement that plays as a bridge to a larger complement. In the above picture we see the solutions of the contradictions we just mention in the previous section. What was missing is their neutral point or "Synergy". The neutral point is the common grounds that allow contradictions to loose its unreasonableness, illogicalness, and inappropriateness. It not only becomes self-evident or "obvious" to all but also throws light back to things we do not consider a "contradiction" and we notice they are but subtle or "lite" contradiction. 


          What we touch upon here was the most basic understanding of contradictions and complements not only from my perspective but the perspective of the consensus reality. I want to consider the consensus reality so I can lead you off of it in the most grounded, clear, true, orderly and versatile manner. Be my guess to read my blogs over. I made this one to help you get your head around what is the true existence of contradictions and complements. Peace and love my family. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Whole, Fraction and Ascending Equality : Introduction to AM

Introduction to AM : Whole, Fraction and Ascending Equality

Letter to the Reader

Dear Reader

                You are a unique being. One of the inalienable qualities of being a unique being is that you are both a complete being plus you’re a fraction of a bigger systems. You play a part in various systems all at once! At the same time your complete in yourself. The fundemental unit of any unique thing is Synergy of Sides. You are what you been waiting for all your life. So you may as well fly high together. Ascend my friend, ascend.

Sincerely yours

Kentu KemPtah


                All things in existence has Origin(Grounds), Transparency(Truth and clarity), Order(First things first) and Versatility(Suitable change) or OTOV for short. These universal qualities are inherited in whole and fraction(part). A whole is a part that has yet to be understood and part is the whole that has yet to be understood. Whole and part are synergy of sides. While whole defines the completeness of a thing, part recognize the quality of even the most complete thing being part of a bigger system.

                In this blog we will go into the mathematics of the whole, fraction(part) and how they relate to the Ascending Equality (AE). We will define the whole numbers and fractions as interrelated and as a singular plurality.

Part 1 : Fractions, Parts, Complementary Part and Greater Whole

             For every fraction there is at least a complementary fraction that combines to make a whole number. This whole number that is created is but a fraction not yet understood. Meaning that this whole number do not signify what place it has to it’s Greater Whole. Thus fractions are whole numbers that indicate what part they play to their Greater Whole. Up in the picture that is above we see a table that has ½, 1/3 , ¼ and 1/5.  The complementary part of ½ is ½ which is the only fraction with a numerator of 1 that has for its complementary part an identical fraction. All other fractions with the numerator of “1” do not have a complementary part that is equal to itself. The blue boxes represent the fraction while the red boxes represent their complementary part. The greater whole is when both the part and complementary part unites to create a greater whole. Remember a fraction is a whole that indicate how it is related to a greater whole. 

              Above is a picture of different fractions which includes the whole number as a special type of fraction out of infinite unique kinds. Whole numbers are the only fractions that do not have a complementary part which is crucial in defining it in relationship to a greater whole. Hence whole numbers compared to fractions are quite isolated when you consider what role do these “wholes” play in a greater whole. This also means rational numbers are whole numbers that indicate how it relates to a greater whole.

                We know that each “1” in each base system is different in composition. However if you are working with only one base system then different composition of “1” would be trivial. In decimal 1 has 10 basic units. This is because decimal has only 10 unique digits. 1 is just a smaller version of 10.  ½ in decimal is actually 10/20 irreducible. This means 2/4, 3/6,4/8, etc are multiples of 10/20. In binary system the irreducible is 2/4. In a 14 digit system the irreducible in that system is 14/28. Meaning that the composition of ½ in a 14 digit system is 14/28. This defining of ½ by the base system as a specific fraction creates a irreducible fraction. Thus base systems aid in the non-reduction of fraction which without it reducible fractions would be reduce. Normally 14/28 is simply ½ however in a 14 digit system it is not just a fraction that can be reduced but it also defines ½ instead of vice versa.  
             Normally when we use fractions we reduce them. For example 2/4 can be reduce to 1/2. However with working with Ascending Base systems we can use the base system to create "irreducible" fractions so we wont lose the fraction when it is reduced. See 2/4 implies 1/2 but 1/2 need not imply 2/4, it can imply 3/6, 4/8, etc. But with Ascending base systems we can lock on 2/4 by using binary base system. This will define 1/2 as 2/4 and it will remain constant until 1/2 is used in a different base system. In decimal 10/20 was never lost, it became the definition of 1/2 in decimal. The definition is permanent as long as your dealing with 1/2 in decimal. 

             The picture above I am showing you how fractions are defined by the base system they are in. Actually the base system determines the kinds of 1/2s. Since in decimal there are 10 unique elements and “10"'s Divine split value which is the value equal to how many unique digits in a given base system then 1 in decimal are composed of ten unique parts. The difference between 1 and 10 is a matter of place value. So ½ in decimal is really identified as 10/20. In a 3 digit base system 1 has 3 parts hence a 3 digit system irreducible fraction or value defined for ½ is 3/6 in which 3 is how many unique digits the base system has.

Part 2 : Levels Fraction has to AE

                In this section we will go into how fraction and its complementary fractions can be used to form Ascending Equality or AE. We will also go into how the numerator and the denominator can be used to create AE. AE is the most universal mathematical element and it singles that out in all other mathematical entities.
                Notice down below at the table I created. I used the numerator and denominator of 1/1 and found they create a Law of identity Equality which is a grain of sand among AE. Since the numerator and denominator are the same then the Law of identity Equality also denotes “Whole numbers”. Law of Identity Equality just like Whole numbers do not entail how these “Wholes” are related to a greater whole. So they are the initial or premature point. Point of departure for mathematical process and not its essence but the starting line to the race of mathematical processes. ½ on the other hand do not have their denominator nor numerator equal to each other. Their synergy values are non-zero. Thus when the numerator and denominator do not equal to each other or has a non-zero synergy value then it denotes that it is related to a greater whole. ½ only relates to the Law of Identity Equality through its complementary fraction which is identical to it. This just means that the complementary fraction isnt a Greater Whole. See all fractions are related to their complementary fraction. 1/1 has 0 complementary fractions however 1/1 is related to a lesser whole which is “0” so by default 1/1 is the greater whole that 0 is related to. The only fractions in which the complementary fractions are identical to the fraction itself is ½ and its multiples such as 2/4,3/6,4/8,5/10, etc. Besides 1/1 and ½(and its multiples) all other fractions are AE (Ascending Equality) all the way.


                So in this Blog we touch on the nature of fractions. Fractions are whole numbers not yet understood and whole numbers are fractions yet to be understood. Both are synergy of sides like left hand and right hand. I am merely adding a fundamentally complementary understanding to fraction. Usually we think of fraction independent of being whole, that is one part of understanding them. However the other part is to know that fractions are whole numbers that has a specific place among a bigger whole. I know you enjoy this blog. Peace and love. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ascending Equality : Introduction to Ascending Mathematics

Introduction to Ascending Mathematics: Ascending Equality


A short letter to the Reader. 


Dear Reader

          We are imbued with consciousness. We are nothing but the synergy of sides. We are universal laws in the form of living beings. We are the most active features of the root that ties reality and fantasy together as one. Why journey elsewhere, when everything you need is in you and me. We are everything and nothing at once. We are everywhere at once and nowhere at all, all at once. We are both a bundle of contradictions and complements. We are whom we were waiting for. So, can we fly high together? Ascend, my friends ascend. We have to ascend to dive deep, right? Peace, love, and happiness.

Sincerely Yours 

Kentu KemPtah


This brilliant blog deals with the simple concepts of Ascending Mathematics. This blog will illustrate the common root element that exists in both Modern Mathematics and Ascending Mathematics. We will talk about Ascending equality's validity by introducing proof by inter-implication. Inter-implication is not only valid in modern math but it plays a role in showing that modern math is a part of Ascending Mathematics very simply. This blog will illustrate that Ascending equalities are building blocks of Modern math and Ascending Math. This blog will also show how forming webs of equalities will show a deep contrast between Modern and Ascending Math. This blog will also show you the inconsistencies in modern math by introducing Ascending Derivation. I am confident that you will enjoy this because we are infinite beings. Infinite beings need Ascending math which matches us in origin, transparency, order, versatility, reliability, accountability, and measurability. Mathematically. 

Part 1: Ascending Equalities and Inter-Implication

    This section will go into the explanation of the Ascending Equality and its Inter-Implication Proof. Ascending Equality is the backbone of all mathematics. The equal sign is the sign of levelness or evenness. The values on the top and bottom of the equal sign are the value of the equal sign while the values on the sides are what the equal sign is leveling out. Thus the equal sign can be seen as a stabilizer operator and the entire equality can be perceived as being even...balanced. 

    The Ascending Equality is also the formalization of the Law of Synergy of Sides. Thus each side implies the other in a never-ending implication which in turn creates stability. The only type of Ascending Equalities that modern math specializes in is 0 synergy Ascending Equalities. This means modern math is in zero synergy equalities and no other qualities. Ascending mathematics does not contradict the Law of Identity Equality (Law of Identity Formulated) but includes it as one type of Ascending Equality out of infinite unique types. The foundations of modern mathematics in the face of Ascending mathematics are negligible, the reason why is that its foundation is a fragment of Ascending Mathematics. Ascending mathematics not only can explain modern math and any math limited to Zero synergy Equalities (Evennesses) but also explains mathematical phenomenon and laws that Modern Math’s nor any math based on zero synergy equality cannot explain. Even though Ascending Mathematics was discovered after modern mathematics doesn’t mean Ascending math isn’t its root. Sometimes the child can be found first and the parents found later. “Later” does not imply that the parents are not the parents of the child even though they were discovered after the child. That is the relationship between Modern math(the child) and the Parent math called Ascending Mathematics. Since it includes modern math as an element among countless unique types then this implies too that Ascending mathematics is also the Real Meta-mathematics. True universal mathematics. 

            In Ascending Mathematics we deal with not only equalities that have the same synergy value as 1=1 but also equalities that differ in synergy values. This means we have seen contradictions such as 1=2, 23=4, 1=0, etc as Equalities yet to be understood because their synergy values appear to be unknown therefore concealing the contradiction’s clarity(validity). The absence of values on the top and the bottom of the equal sign is similar to x in an algebra equation. Synergy values are values of evenness. I create an inter-implication so that the proof can be universal not just to the Ascending equalities but also to connect back to the law of identity equality to be a type of Ascending Equality. The synergy value of the law of identity is 0 which denotes the initial position of Ascending Equalities. Like Zero plays in coordinates, the law of identity formula plays a similar function. However, just having the origin without the rest of the Ascending Equalities is like having a starting point with no finishing point. Which would be dead as a stump. 

          Inter-Implication is the most elementary proof in Ascending Mathematics. Inter-Implication proof is redundant Modern math because there is only one type of synergy value. Thus at first sight implication proof look redundant however once we apply it to non-zero equalities then it becomes profound. The profundity of it comes from the fact that inter-implications ties the equality used in modern math back to the rest of the Ascending Equalities that was previously unknown. One math's triviality becomes another math profundity eh? Correct. The inter-implications I created shows that all the equalities in modern math and modern sciences are defined by one type of inter-implication in which “0”(Zero) is a constant factor in the equality’s validity. 

Part Two: Ascending Networks 

This blog isn't trying to debunk modern math but rather show you its true position among Ascending Mathematics. Since modern math is specialized in the study and manipulation of equalities with zero synergies, then modern math is inconsistent in the face of Ascending Math but not vice versa. The Synergy value determines the versatility of Ascending Equality and conventional. Ascending mathematics works with all synergy value thus its versatility is limitless. So in this sense, I am making it clear what modern math is and my lipase test is Ascending Math, not vice versa. Again Ascending Math is consistent with modern math but Modern math isn’t consistent with Ascending Math. 

 The Networks that I produce from the Ascending Equality shows the inconsistency of Modern math clearly while it shows that Ascending Mathematics includes what little consistency modern math has but has other validities that modern math does not incorporate. It shows that Modern Math is negligible compared to Ascending Mathematics. 

Part 3: Ascending Derivatives: Halting Problem Solved

 Ascending Derivatives are the most basic derivative. A Derivative or anything whether in mathematics or the reality we live in is “something that is based on another source.”. So to derive something is to make that something that was once its source become rooted in another source. Essential or foundational versatility. The Ascending Derivative is derivation based on Ascending equality. It is how Ascending equality moves and changes. It is a natural, simple yet universal way things are derived. Things go from one level to another...from one evenness to another. The most basic of Ascending Derivation is the derivation of the synergy value. See, synergy values are the nucleus values of equality. It is the engine value that engines the rest of the values. When we derive the Law of Identity we notice that the formula halts meaning derivation stops because the same equality is produced over and over. However, in the Ascending Derivative, the process does not repeat but goes on forever. Think of the equality formulas as the starting point and it becoming more different than before is the distance traveled away from the initial point(starting line). Since the law of identity does not go anywhere the derivation from then that can be interpreted as “stopping” or Halting.     


All things derive or find its source producing offsprings from its center. From Sacred Geometry to the cosmos and even life multiplies by deriving from its center or Synergy. The characteristic of being a center of the system is its intense unification of sides.


The blog clearly shows that Modern math and any math that is fixed on zero synergy equality is merely a specialization of Ascending math. All math known to human beings is a grain of sand on the beach of Ascending Math. We have seen in great simplicity that the Law of Identity equality (i.e. 1=1) is only one type of equality out of infinite unique Ascending Equalities. We have seen that Ascending math deals with completely valid networks while modern mathematics is partial in its networks. When it comes to solving contradictions the right synergy value must be established. In my later blogs, I will go deeper into each issue and bring you a more complex yet simple look into all forms of Ascending Equality.

#Mathematics #AscendingMathematics #Equality #Digit #Numbers #Operator #EqualSign