Monday, April 10, 2017

Layman’s Basics Part 1 : Introduction to AM : Contradictions and Complements

Introduction to AM : Layman’s Basics : Contradictions and Complements

Letter to the Reader

Dear  Reader

                Yes my friends, to being a layman is a universal quality all of us have. We are nonspecific thus we are not limited to any one genre (class). Everyday we go throughout our lives with people trying to hard to put us in a box. How can you really put infinite diversity into something that is limited? That would be like trying to fit a full grown elephant in a 2 by 2 cage. One of them will break. For you to be a unique being means you cannot be boxed in or limited. You are a unlimited being. You are what you have been waiting for all your life. So we may as well fly high. Ascend my friend, Ascend.

Sincerely Yours

Kentu KemPtah


                In this blog I will go into the layman’s interpretation of Ascending Mathematics. I will go into the Contradictions, Digits, Operators and Base system on the most down to earth manner possible. I will make this blog an “easy” read. So relax and let the words do the talking shall we? I also want you to get your head around knowing the true meaning of contradictions and complements and their profound relevance. Besides solving contradictions is a major part of Re-Origination. It is the "engine" of re-origination. To understand this will help you understand my math which is paramount to re-origination. 

Part 1: Paradoxes(Contradictions)  

            Paradoxes.  What are Paradoxes? To the modern world and the consensus reality it embraces, paradoxes suppose to be excessively unreasonable, illogical and inappropriate statement or aspects of things. It is unreasonable because it do not fit the one-sided reason that is dominant in this world. It is illogical because the structure contradicts what was thought to be basic structure of sentences and things. Paradoxes are said to be inappropriate because the current circumstances or conditions that connects what everyone think is relevant is not apparent. See if someone comes to you and say "Lets create a planet." even if that person can do it you will think that person is unreasonable, illogical, inappropriate hence you will notice a "Paradox". That is what a contradiction is, a unreasonable, illogical and inappropriate thing or statement that exist that is not limited to modern reason, logic and appropriateness. Contradictions feel irregular and may irritate people's thought but it also challenge the limits of what people consider reasonable, logical and appropriate. 

         The challenge contradictions bring is invaluable. Once solved a whole world open up which includes all things that seem to not be contradictions as a grain of sand on it's beach. This means what this bias society considers valuable in terms of being reasonable is but a crumb and not the whole cake as they thought. 

                To me contradiction are complements that are a mystery or not yet understood. To me contradictions is partial complements or complements that has yet to be complete. The law of identity in mathematics had no synergy value that is obvious on the top and the bottom of the equal sign. So in that sense the Law of Identity equality as we know it is a very subtle contradiction. Its contradictory nature is so small that it goes unnoticed and is used "as is". That is why in the above table you see question marks which represent questioning the synergy values that was missing since the conception of the equal sign itself. 

Part 2 : Complementary(Synergy of Sides)

        So far before I invented Ascending Math complements was only define in the perspective of being one-sided. That is why
Yin and Yang is direct with each other and no synergy value was denoted. We have to remember that the opposite of "Poles" are " "Non-Poles"(Neutral), the opposite of polarized is neutralize. 

Neutral are poles that has yet to be understood. Neutral denotes being a Complement to a greater Complement. Neutral is specifically those poles in union that acts as a bridge not for itself but a larger Pole. That being missing in the conception of complements based on sameness cause contradiction and misunderstanding of complements. See contradictions are like broken wires that need to be mended. Complements that considers neutrality as it's universal "bridge" is when these wires are mended. So contradictions represent the deactivated state of things while complements(Synergy of Sides) represent the active state of things. 

            The reason poles need neutrality as their internal regulator of poles is because it preserves the poles. Poles that directly meet are unstable or rootless complement. 

          The Law of Synergy of Sides is the Yin and Yang that also includes neutrality(Non-Yin and Non-Yang). That is why I named the law Synergy of Sides because the main poles are the Pole and the Polarless Pole. The Synergy is that complement that plays as a bridge to a larger complement. In the above picture we see the solutions of the contradictions we just mention in the previous section. What was missing is their neutral point or "Synergy". The neutral point is the common grounds that allow contradictions to loose its unreasonableness, illogicalness, and inappropriateness. It not only becomes self-evident or "obvious" to all but also throws light back to things we do not consider a "contradiction" and we notice they are but subtle or "lite" contradiction. 


          What we touch upon here was the most basic understanding of contradictions and complements not only from my perspective but the perspective of the consensus reality. I want to consider the consensus reality so I can lead you off of it in the most grounded, clear, true, orderly and versatile manner. Be my guess to read my blogs over. I made this one to help you get your head around what is the true existence of contradictions and complements. Peace and love my family. 

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