Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ascending Equality : Introduction to Ascending Mathematics

Introduction to Ascending Mathematics: Ascending Equality


A short letter to the Reader. 


Dear Reader

          We are imbued with consciousness. We are nothing but the synergy of sides. We are universal laws in the form of living beings. We are the most active features of the root that ties reality and fantasy together as one. Why journey elsewhere, when everything you need is in you and me. We are everything and nothing at once. We are everywhere at once and nowhere at all, all at once. We are both a bundle of contradictions and complements. We are whom we were waiting for. So, can we fly high together? Ascend, my friends ascend. We have to ascend to dive deep, right? Peace, love, and happiness.

Sincerely Yours 

Kentu KemPtah


This brilliant blog deals with the simple concepts of Ascending Mathematics. This blog will illustrate the common root element that exists in both Modern Mathematics and Ascending Mathematics. We will talk about Ascending equality's validity by introducing proof by inter-implication. Inter-implication is not only valid in modern math but it plays a role in showing that modern math is a part of Ascending Mathematics very simply. This blog will illustrate that Ascending equalities are building blocks of Modern math and Ascending Math. This blog will also show how forming webs of equalities will show a deep contrast between Modern and Ascending Math. This blog will also show you the inconsistencies in modern math by introducing Ascending Derivation. I am confident that you will enjoy this because we are infinite beings. Infinite beings need Ascending math which matches us in origin, transparency, order, versatility, reliability, accountability, and measurability. Mathematically. 

Part 1: Ascending Equalities and Inter-Implication

    This section will go into the explanation of the Ascending Equality and its Inter-Implication Proof. Ascending Equality is the backbone of all mathematics. The equal sign is the sign of levelness or evenness. The values on the top and bottom of the equal sign are the value of the equal sign while the values on the sides are what the equal sign is leveling out. Thus the equal sign can be seen as a stabilizer operator and the entire equality can be perceived as being even...balanced. 

    The Ascending Equality is also the formalization of the Law of Synergy of Sides. Thus each side implies the other in a never-ending implication which in turn creates stability. The only type of Ascending Equalities that modern math specializes in is 0 synergy Ascending Equalities. This means modern math is in zero synergy equalities and no other qualities. Ascending mathematics does not contradict the Law of Identity Equality (Law of Identity Formulated) but includes it as one type of Ascending Equality out of infinite unique types. The foundations of modern mathematics in the face of Ascending mathematics are negligible, the reason why is that its foundation is a fragment of Ascending Mathematics. Ascending mathematics not only can explain modern math and any math limited to Zero synergy Equalities (Evennesses) but also explains mathematical phenomenon and laws that Modern Math’s nor any math based on zero synergy equality cannot explain. Even though Ascending Mathematics was discovered after modern mathematics doesn’t mean Ascending math isn’t its root. Sometimes the child can be found first and the parents found later. “Later” does not imply that the parents are not the parents of the child even though they were discovered after the child. That is the relationship between Modern math(the child) and the Parent math called Ascending Mathematics. Since it includes modern math as an element among countless unique types then this implies too that Ascending mathematics is also the Real Meta-mathematics. True universal mathematics. 

            In Ascending Mathematics we deal with not only equalities that have the same synergy value as 1=1 but also equalities that differ in synergy values. This means we have seen contradictions such as 1=2, 23=4, 1=0, etc as Equalities yet to be understood because their synergy values appear to be unknown therefore concealing the contradiction’s clarity(validity). The absence of values on the top and the bottom of the equal sign is similar to x in an algebra equation. Synergy values are values of evenness. I create an inter-implication so that the proof can be universal not just to the Ascending equalities but also to connect back to the law of identity equality to be a type of Ascending Equality. The synergy value of the law of identity is 0 which denotes the initial position of Ascending Equalities. Like Zero plays in coordinates, the law of identity formula plays a similar function. However, just having the origin without the rest of the Ascending Equalities is like having a starting point with no finishing point. Which would be dead as a stump. 

          Inter-Implication is the most elementary proof in Ascending Mathematics. Inter-Implication proof is redundant Modern math because there is only one type of synergy value. Thus at first sight implication proof look redundant however once we apply it to non-zero equalities then it becomes profound. The profundity of it comes from the fact that inter-implications ties the equality used in modern math back to the rest of the Ascending Equalities that was previously unknown. One math's triviality becomes another math profundity eh? Correct. The inter-implications I created shows that all the equalities in modern math and modern sciences are defined by one type of inter-implication in which “0”(Zero) is a constant factor in the equality’s validity. 

Part Two: Ascending Networks 

This blog isn't trying to debunk modern math but rather show you its true position among Ascending Mathematics. Since modern math is specialized in the study and manipulation of equalities with zero synergies, then modern math is inconsistent in the face of Ascending Math but not vice versa. The Synergy value determines the versatility of Ascending Equality and conventional. Ascending mathematics works with all synergy value thus its versatility is limitless. So in this sense, I am making it clear what modern math is and my lipase test is Ascending Math, not vice versa. Again Ascending Math is consistent with modern math but Modern math isn’t consistent with Ascending Math. 

 The Networks that I produce from the Ascending Equality shows the inconsistency of Modern math clearly while it shows that Ascending Mathematics includes what little consistency modern math has but has other validities that modern math does not incorporate. It shows that Modern Math is negligible compared to Ascending Mathematics. 

Part 3: Ascending Derivatives: Halting Problem Solved

 Ascending Derivatives are the most basic derivative. A Derivative or anything whether in mathematics or the reality we live in is “something that is based on another source.”. So to derive something is to make that something that was once its source become rooted in another source. Essential or foundational versatility. The Ascending Derivative is derivation based on Ascending equality. It is how Ascending equality moves and changes. It is a natural, simple yet universal way things are derived. Things go from one level to another...from one evenness to another. The most basic of Ascending Derivation is the derivation of the synergy value. See, synergy values are the nucleus values of equality. It is the engine value that engines the rest of the values. When we derive the Law of Identity we notice that the formula halts meaning derivation stops because the same equality is produced over and over. However, in the Ascending Derivative, the process does not repeat but goes on forever. Think of the equality formulas as the starting point and it becoming more different than before is the distance traveled away from the initial point(starting line). Since the law of identity does not go anywhere the derivation from then that can be interpreted as “stopping” or Halting.     


All things derive or find its source producing offsprings from its center. From Sacred Geometry to the cosmos and even life multiplies by deriving from its center or Synergy. The characteristic of being a center of the system is its intense unification of sides.


The blog clearly shows that Modern math and any math that is fixed on zero synergy equality is merely a specialization of Ascending math. All math known to human beings is a grain of sand on the beach of Ascending Math. We have seen in great simplicity that the Law of Identity equality (i.e. 1=1) is only one type of equality out of infinite unique Ascending Equalities. We have seen that Ascending math deals with completely valid networks while modern mathematics is partial in its networks. When it comes to solving contradictions the right synergy value must be established. In my later blogs, I will go deeper into each issue and bring you a more complex yet simple look into all forms of Ascending Equality.

#Mathematics #AscendingMathematics #Equality #Digit #Numbers #Operator #EqualSign

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